Our Orthodontic Technology

At Ello Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on using the latest technologies and materials to provide our patients with the best results possible. Staying up to date with the most cutting edge orthodontic equipment allows us to provide a premier service for the residents of Pearland, TX.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a specialized imaging technology used in orthodontics to provide detailed three-dimensional images of the teeth, jaws, and surrounding tissues. It uses a cone-shaped X-ray beam and a detector to capture a series of images as the scanner rotates around the patient’s head. These images are then reconstructed into a 3D volume, allowing us to visualize and analyze the patient’s anatomy with greater precision.

CBCT offers several advantages in orthodontics compared to traditional 2D X-rays. It provides a comprehensive view of the patient’s skeletal and dental structures, enabling us to accurately assess the alignment of the teeth, the relationship between the upper and lower jaws, and the presence of any abnormalities or pathology. This detailed information helps in treatment planning, especially for complex cases involving severe malocclusions, or impacted teeth.

Our primary use for the technology is the selection and placement of orthodontic appliances such as braces or aligners. CBCT also assists in monitoring treatment progress and assessing the impact of orthodontic interventions on the patient’s oral structures.


iTero® is an advanced digital scanning system used in orthodontics to create highly accurate 3D images of a patient’s teeth and mouth. It utilizes a handheld wand that captures detailed images of the patient’s teeth and surrounding structures, eliminating the need for traditional physical impressions. The iTero® scanner employs laser and optical scanning technology to create a digital replica of the patient’s teeth in a matter of minutes.

One of the main applications of iTero® in orthodontics is for creating digital models or impressions of a patient’s teeth. These digital impressions are used for treatment planning, including the design and fabrication of orthodontic appliances. The precise and detailed nature of the digital scans allows orthodontists to create custom treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique dental anatomy.

The iTero scanner also offers other valuable features. It enables orthodontists to simulate treatment outcomes, showing patients a virtual representation of how their teeth may look after orthodontic treatment. This visual representation helps patients understand the potential results and make informed decisions about their treatment options. Additionally, the digital scans can be easily shared with other dental professionals, allowing for seamless collaboration and communication between orthodontists and other specialists involved in the patient’s care.

3D-Printed Appliances

Custom 3D-printed appliances are used in orthodontics to enhance treatment precision and efficiency. These appliances are created using advanced 3D printing technology, allowing for highly customized and patient-specific designs.

A common application of 3D appliances in orthodontics is the creation of clear aligners. Aligners are transparent, removable trays that gradually move the teeth into proper alignment. With 3D technology, digital models of a patient’s teeth are used to design a series of aligners that are custom-made for each stage of the treatment. The aligners are 3D printed using biocompatible materials, ensuring a precise fit and optimal tooth movement.

Another use of 3D appliances is in the creation of orthodontic brackets. Brackets are small attachments bonded to the teeth to hold the archwires in place. 3D printing enables the fabrication of custom brackets that are tailored to the individual patient. This allows for more precise bracket placement and potentially reduces treatment time.

In addition to aligners and brackets, 3D technology is also utilized in the production of other orthodontic appliances such as retainers, splints, and orthodontic models. These appliances can be accurately designed and manufactured based on the patient’s digital dental scans, resulting in a better fit and improved treatment outcomes.

Synapse Dental Pain Eraser

Welcome to the highest level of orthodontic care and service.

A common question asked by patients is, “Will my treatment hurt?”. We’ve got good news! Our team is committed to your comfort and a positive treatment experience. We offer our patients the Dental Pain Eraser: a clinically proven, electronic dental anesthesia device that erases discomfort before, during, and after procedures. Our patients love the amazing experience of transforming smiles in our practice.

How Synapse Dental Pain Eraser Works

If you are considering orthodontic treatment and nervous about possible discomfort, we’ve got you covered in our practice! The award-winning, FDA-cleared Synapse Dental Pain Eraser “pen” delivers gentle, electric pulses that prevent and remove discomfort without needles, numbing gels or drugs, with relief lasting up to 48 hours. This long-lasting relief allows for your comfort with the following:

  • New braces, aligners, and bite correction appliances
  • Adjustments
  • Wire and rubber band changes
  • Bite sensitivity
  • Aphthous ulcers (canker sores)
  • Bracket removal
  • Other dental applications such as whitening, extractions, and TMJ/TMD relief

Our Care for Excellence Extends Beyond Our Practice

We know that oral pain can show up anywhere, at any time. To continue a positive treatment experience after you’ve left our practice, we also prescribe the Dental Pain Eraser cutting-edge technology for at-home use by patients. Just apply the device to your tooth or gum, and in less than two minutes – you’ll prevent or relieve discomfort. You can now be pain-free before, during, AND after your appointment.

Learn More:

How to Use the Dental Pain Eraser at Home video
How to Use the Dental Pain Eraser at Home instructional card